Cape Reptile Club
CRC Library - Inventory
Snakes & snake bite in sa | by Johan Marais |
Keeping lizards | by David Manning |
A step-by-step book about chameleons | by Robert Anderson |
All about chameleons and anoles | by Mervin F. Roberts |
Snake vs Man | by Johan Marais |
Blue-tongued skinks : keeping & breeding in captivity | by Jerry G. Walls |
Snakes a - z | by Chris Mattison |
Slange van sa | by Bill Branch |
The remarkable chamelion | by Lilo Hess |
Turtles for home and garden | by Willy Jocher |
Snakes & lizards | by Tom Langton |
Turtles | by Robert J. Church |
Arican journal of herpetology | |
Spinnekoppe & skerpioene van sa | by Gerry Newlands |
ID sheet of tortoises in the Western Cape - English | by Cape Nature Conservation |
ID sheet of tortoises in the Western Cape - Afrikaans | by Cape Nature Conservation |
King Cobra | by National Geographic |
Anaconda | by National Geographic |
Glades herp: price list October 1990 to March 1994 | by Grades Herp |
Cape Herpetological News - tortoises march 1979 | by Herpetological Association of Africa |
Cape Herpetological News - Snakes Summer 1979 | by Herpetological Assosiation of Africa |
Cape Herptological News - Frogs Winter 1980 | by Herpetological Association of Africa |
CRC constitution - version 1 | by M Witberg |
CRC Constitution - version 2 | by M Witberg |
CRC Newsletter - may 2003 | by G Montague-Fryer |
CRC Newsletter - july 2003 | by G Montague-Fryer |
CRC documentation and minutes - 06/2002 to 03/2003 | by M Witberg |